Chamber Members are strongly encouraged to serve on a committee that interests them. Your service will help build a stronger Chamber and a stronger Lake Oswego business community. Please contact the chamber office (503) 636-3634 or e-mail

Board of Directors

Local business leaders guide the Chamber of Commerce. They meet the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 am.
Board President: Matthew Kahl
Board of Directors: Click here (will open in a new window)

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of senior members of the Board of Directors. This committee provides updates and insights for the effective management of the organization. The Executive Committee meets the second Tuesday of the month at 8:30 am. 

Finance Committee / Fundraising Committee

The Finance Committee meets the second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 am, followed by the Fundraising Committee at 8:00 am.
Finance Chair: Matt Chrisman
Finance Members: Brian Monihan, David Riback
Fundraising Chair: David Riback
Fundraising Members: Tom D’Amore, Jay Haladay, Matt Chrisman

Ambassadors Committee

The Ambassadors Committee is responsible for running the Friday morning Networking events, the semi-monthly Business After Hours, ribbon-cuttings, monthly membership retention calls and acting as cheerleaders for the Chamber at other events in the community. The ambassadors meet the first Thursday of the month at 9 am.
Chair: Kim Clifton
: Jamie Anderson, Yvonne Blewett, Kristine Boyer, Lynn Brokaw, Dan Brown, Peggy Fleming, Krystal Hanna, Dawn Irwin, Tina McCuen, Anastasia Meisner, Nicole Nathan, Heather Graves-Ramsey, Clint Redding, Angela Rose, Katie Brower Wojda

Government Affairs Committee

The Government Affairs Committee is responsible for researching issues of importance to the business community and then making recommendations to the Board of Directors on how to respond. It may be to endorse or oppose ideas or issues, or merely to provide education for the membership to make its own decisions. From time-to-time they will also sponsor presentations on important issues and non-partisan political forums on candidates running for public office. The committee may also make recommendations to support certain candidates they feel will be friendly to the needs of local business. The Government Affairs Committee meets the second Thursday of the month at Noon.
Chair: Linda Ganzini Vice-Chair:
Members: Nina Carlson, Doug Cushing, Alistair Firmin, Chris Fowler, Jay Haladay, Jay Hamachek, Karen Jacobson, Marcia Kies, Rob LeChevallier, Harlan Levy – Ex-Officio: Heather Graves-Ramsey

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee strategizes how to attract new members and serve current ones. They meet the fourth Thursday (virtually until further notice) from 7:30-8:30 am.
Chair: Ticia Symonds
Members: Dawn Irwin, Paul van Roon

Lake Grove Business Committee

With a focus on Lake Grove business health and development, the Lake Grove Business Committee operates as a full Committee of the Lake Oswego Chamber of Commerce. If you are a Lake Grove business owner and are interested in being part of the LGBC, please contact Committee President Ken Sandblast at 503-684-0652, or Chamber CEO Liz Hartman at 503-636-3634.

Task Forces

The Lake Oswego Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors have established the task forces that the Chamber will work with this year. If you are interested in serving on a task force committee, please contact the chamber office (503) 636-3634 or e-mail

Intern Task Force: Heather Graves Ramsey, Rotary: Carol Riley; Community reps: Paul Carlson, Courtney Clements; School District: Kristin Colyer, Desiree Fisher, Brian Crawford, Colby Neal, Lou Bailey

Event-Based Committees