Oregon OSHA is in the process of developing temporary rule to address COVID-19 and other airborne infectious diseases (i.e. TB, influenza, H1N1, etc.) in the workplace. The plan is to make a permanent rule next Spring. Oregon OSHA is responding to the request from the AFL-CIO that the state adopt an enforceable workplace health rule on an emergency basis this summer, to be replaced by a permanent rule in 2021. Oregon OSHA is pursuing a rule that would apply to both health care and to the general workplace. Note that OR-OSHA already has broad authority to enforce workplace standards under its “General Duty” authority, and the agency is currently issuing violations against workplaces that fail to comply with the Governor’s Executive Orders and Oregon Health Authority guidelines. Additionally, Oregon employers aren’t asking OR-OSHA to adopt new regulations that will be difficult to change as our understanding of COVID-19 evolves. These workplaces have sounded the alarm that the cumulative impact of new regulations during COVID-19 is making it an impossible environment for businesses to recover. Enough is enough. The temporary rule will focus on the measures necessary to address COVID-19, and the permanent rule will likely continue some of those measures but also will be much broader to address future airborne infectious disease outbreaks as well. Oregon OSHA will be holding a series of stakeholder forumsover the next two weeks. OSCC encourages chambers and their members to participate in a sector-specific forum on the impact of a temporary AND permanent infectious disease standard for Oregon workplaces. You must register to participate. |
Thursday, July 16, from 3:00 – 4:30pm: General Manufacturing & Processing Pre-register via Zoom at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArdOygrDgtHNGTyHufkpE58wwzfyVhZbc2 Friday, July 17, from 3:00 – 4:30pm: 1st General Retail Forum Pre-register via Zoom at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtce6orD8qH9KQmUIKPI2sG2cmoowSYlE- SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, July 23, from 1:00 – 2:30pm: General Office |
Although each stakeholder discussion will explore issues of concern to the particular industries or activities reflected by the participants, the following general questions will help Oregon OSHA craft a draft temporary rule addressing the COVID-19 emergency for further review by the public and stakeholders. Question 1: Are there requirements imposed by current OHA guidance that seem excessive or unnecessary? Question 2: Are there issues in your industry or workplace that are not adequately addressed by existing requirements? Question 3: Are there apparent contradictions or inconsistencies in requirements that do not make sense to you? Question 4: If a rule is adopted, what are the two or three things that you think are most important for the rule to address? Question 5: What are the two or three areas where you think employers most need help to keep their workers safe? |