- City of Lake Oswego small business grants – open application Thursday, April 9
- Governor’s Order “Stay Home, Save Lives” Executive Order 20-12, which required the closure of additional businesses “remains in effect until terminated by the Governor.”
- Rep.AndreaSalinas@oregonlegislature.gov for more information or go to www.oregon.gov
- Information is changing daily. Please check the government websites as you have questions.
- Rep. Kurt Schrader Webinar – re-play schrader.house.gov
- Paycheck Protection Program – CHANGE – Open April 10 – check periodically for changes.
- SBA – EIDL – note that if you applied before April 1, you may need to re-apply. Call Rep. Schrader office for more information: 202-225-5711
- Fact sheet: Small Business & Entrepreneurship Payroll protection
- NFIB Paycheck Protection Forgivable Loans
- Workshare Oregon
- SCORE – Service Corp of Retired Executives web info for business mentors or email Robert Ervin, bobandmignon@comcast.net
- CARE Act – full document
- Reduced TRI-MET service – April 5
- Small Business Guide – Loans (U.S. Chamber)
- City Council YouTube – City council will meet twice a week through April; archived meetings
- City of Lake Oswego
- Joint Special Committee on Coronavirus Response – State of Oregon
- SAIF establishes $10 million worker safety fund
- SBA loan application, (up to $2 million in financial assistance; interest rate 3.75%; Private/non-profit 2.75%; long-term repayments up to maximum 30 years may be available.
- Lake Oswego Citizen Information line: 503-635-0257
- Email for LO Citizen information: cic@lakeoswego.city
- Rep. Andrea Salinas business newsletter
- LO Emergency Declaration
- Sign up for Lake Oswego announcements / news
- Oregon Manufacturing resources
- Banking information
- Senator Merkley Federal Explanation of Oregon provisions
- Economic Injury Worksheet – return to US Small Business Administration- https://mcusercontent.com/ab3f5deb0e00d4c7e3db8257e/files/5c144fae-107f-4233-bc5d-49785f9329b0/Economic_Injury_Worksheet_051410.pdf
- Governor’s Executive Order Closing Specified Retail businesses https://govsite-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/jkAULYKcSh6DoDF8wBM0_EO%2020-12.pdf
- City of Lake Oswego – local state of emergency
- Check the Lake Oswego Review page for breaking news https://pamplinmedia.com/lake-oswego-review-home/
- Red Cross needs blood donations
- Hunger Fighters – https://www.hungerfightersoregon.org/
- Sparrow Services – email for food pick up – office@hopeoswego.com
- Family First Corona Virus Poster
- Families First Coronovirus Response Act
Cyber Incident Resources – with more people working from home, the office of Oregon’s Emergency Management distributed the following resources – just in case: